Candida is a type of fungus that lives inside all of us. It's a naturally occurring fungus found in the intestinal tract but can grow out of control and wreak havoc on the body. Candida can grow out of control and start to damage our internal organs and overall wellness.
Suffering from a yeast overgrowth?
Feel good fast by cleansing and detoxing your body with our Candida Detox.
- May aid in cleansing of internal and external candida yeast and fungal overgrowth*
- May help promote balance of gut flora*
- May help support gut immune system*
- May help boost immune system*
Ingredients: Pau D' Arco, Olive Leaf, Oregano Leaf, Grape Seed Extract, Vegetarian Capsule
Recommend Dosage: 1 in the A.M. & 2 in the P.M. to start or just adjust dosage according to how you feel, some people require 2 in the AM 2 in the PM.
Note: Candida is something that plagues many and is very challenging to get rid off. The first changes those with candida should make its adjusting their diet and adding a good probiotic to your daily routine. Also, we do recommend to clean your gut with our Herbal Detox prior to doing a Candida Cleanse.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy.